How to Prepare + What To Expect
What do you want to work on?
The most frequent struggle clients have is refining their question. In this podcast interview with Nicole Antoinette, I discuss the difference between a Wrong, Right and REAL question. We are shooting for real questions in our work together. If you can't refine a question, don't stress out. Bring what you have and we will get to the real one together.
24-minute, Ask-An-Oracle, or oracle talk
Before: You're ready. You have already paid and/or registered for a call or a talk (if not, do so at the bottom of this page). Schedule yourself, if you're doing a 1-1 phone session. If you're coming to an oracle talk, arrive on time or up to 15 minutes early to settle in and be present. You may wish to bring pen and paper to take notes. Recording devices, phones, etc. can be disruptive of the folks around you, so be considerate if using. Do not record anyone else’s voice or work, please.
During: Ask me your main question. It's 100% okay to arrive without a specific question. I will set a timer, and tell you as we near the time limit for phone sessions. You may choose to opt in for a second 24-minute round during your call, which you will pay another fee (using the link above) for after we close our call. For an oracle talk or ask-an-oracle call, you may find yourself hanging back and observing, or raring to go with a question. Every flavor of participation is welcome. If we are in person, I may call upon you to work with me. You always have the option of declining, but I encourage you to sit up and engage the gift; it’s for you.
After: Most people report needing about an hour after a session or a talk to complete notes and integrate the work a bit before returning to other activities. Post-session, my suggestion is to hold off on processing it with another person right away. Give yourself overnight to be in your own experience. Take note of questions that come up. Allow yourself to integrate.
Cruise through the instructions below; you may find something in terms of preparation and recovery that is useful to you.
Group or 1-1 Oracle Sessions
Before: Register. Respond to my email. Once you've chosen your your question or intention statement, bring it to mind daily as you approach your session. Arrive 15 minutes prior to your start time, so we can all acclimate and "arrive" to the work together.
During: You're ready. Relax. Get good sleep and nutrition leading up to the gathering. Write down thoughts, inspirations and dreams you have that feel connected to your question. Bring pen and paper with you. Laptop/device keyboards may be distracting. You may record your own portions of the live work. You may not record other participants' work, unless they have given you express verbal permission at each instance. If you bring an interpreter or support staff or animals, your staff will be admitted free of charge.
After: See AFTER instructions below, which apply to everyone. If you choose to do an individual session to deepen your personal work on the day following our oracle session, you're welcome to opt-in by letting me know at the end of our oracle session.
24-Hour Woke Up Knowing Experience (WUKE)
Once you have scheduled your Woke Up Knowing Experience™ (WUKE), consider doing the following to get the most out of our work together.
Set aside at least half a day open before we begin to settle in, relax, and prepare your space and self.
If you will be sleeping somewhere other than your home or normal room, get there before our first call.
Set yourself up with note-taking or recording tools.
Have a calm evening, drink a lot of water, and rest, so you are as supple and available to the work as possible.
I also highly recommend doing meal and snack preparation or shopping the day before, so you don’t have to think too much about feeding yourself during the WUKE.
I'm going to be disturbing your sleep. Plan accordingly.
If you share a bed with others, you may want to sleep in a different room. If you share a house with kids who may be disturbed by our work or who you might be disturbed by, consider relocating for the day. Please let everyone in the house or sleeping area know what you are doing, in advance.
For your entire WUKE period, which is approximately 24 hours, commit to be fully available to pick up the phone or answer Skype, depending what method we choose.
Do not schedule work, recreation that involves being out in public or on demand for family members or friends. Noisy environments will disrupt the work.
You don’t always have to be alone, but you and I will be best served if you are available to go to a private area to work with me when I call.
Stay hydrated and nourished during the work.
Rest rest rest. You will need it. Everyone does.
You may also want to amplify your self-pleasuring and self-delighting activities in the hours and days after we work.
Be quiet (even the extroverts). Do not expect to be able to return to work immediately or accomplish complicated goals or obligations in the 8-24 hours post WUKE.
You will need time to integrate and re-enter.
If you have relocated for your WUKE, pad your time away from your regular schedule by at least one day, if at all possible.
If your first or second urge is to tell someone “everything that just happened,” resist that urge. Allow the work to live inside of you for a day or ten. Then, consciously decide who gets to know what, if anything.
As you start to build your ways of practicing what we discover or work on, then you can find ways to involve other parties with a higher level of social and spiritual responsibility.
Your choices are:
Join at your favorite level and become a supporter on Patreon. $3+ per month.
24-minute phone call: $100 (pay, then schedule yourself here). 24-minute sessions are 24 minutes, and may be extended during your call. Any portion of a 24-minute unit is $100, and can be paid after your session using the same payment link.
24-hour Woke Up Knowing Experience: $1,500 (by phone). I'll reach out to schedule after you have paid.
Group Oracle Sessions vary in scope and availability. Click through to join an upcoming experience.
I am very rarely available for meeting facilitations and business development sessions, including curriculum development. Call me at the number at the bottom of this page if you have been personally referred by a client of mine.
Oracle-In-Residence (work over multiple days, for individuals and groups) are $3,000 per 24-hour period, plus first/business travel and all expenses. Let's talk to make a plan.
I begin my work for you at the moment you pay, therefore the fees are non-transferrable and non-refundable. Thank you for honoring my work with your commitment.